


The object of the game is to beat your opponents in bouts of JACK LABRADOR. Each turn, players will build a tableau of cards, and then resolve Flip Cards and Combat Cards to earn points. The first player to reach 100 points or more wins.

Rules Video

Bob Javenous teaches MCS
How to Play Becca Scottt
The Cards of Devastation
Jack Jabrador killed rock paper scissors

Required Knowledge

JACK LABRADOR is a variation of Rock, Paper, Scissors, that adds two new symbols and a three-point play.

Players must know how to play JACK LABRADOR with two, three, and four opponents all throwing symbols at the same time.

Complete tutorial on how to play is in the appendix.

jack and labrador symbols

“One Time”

Two to four opponents playing JACK LABRADOR until there is a single winner through the process of elimination.

“Run it to Ten”

Two opponents playing JACK LABRADOR until one player wins 10 points.

LABRADOR beats JACK for three points in “Run it to Ten.”

how to play run it to ten jack labrador with hand symbols

Beautifully Written Rules


The object of the game is to beat your opponents in bouts of JACK LABRADOR.

Each turn, players will build a tableau of cards. Players then compete in Flip and Combat rounds to win cards and earn points. Each card is worth one point.

The first player to reach 100 points or more wins.

Live-Action Play

When players make symbols with their hands to play JACK LABRADOR to determine the winner.

Card-Action Play

When players use the symbols shown on the cards to play JACK LABRADOR to determine the winner.

If there is a tie among winning symbols shown on the cards in Card-Action play, determine the winner in one of the following two ways.

1. If there are one or more Rainy Scarecrow cards played, the highest numbered Scarecrow wins.

2. If there are no Rainy Scarecrow cards played, the winning players, whose card symbols are tied, play “One Time” Live-Action JACK LABRADOR to determine the winner.

The Deck

There are 55 total symbol cards.

11 Each of:

  • Rock
  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • JACK

There are 17 total Cards of Devastation.

They each have Special Powers.

They each have symbols on them (except for the Black Hole).

1 – Black Hole



1 – Hungry Bison

3 – Ravenous Like Javenous

1 – Woodpecker

9 – Rainy Scarecrows

There are 4 Barn Cards. One for each player.

The back side of the Barn Card shows the Order of Resolution for resolving Cards of Devastation.

Keep cards you have won stacked underneath your Barn Card to keep them separate from the other cards during play.

Starting Motor City Showdown

Take a Barn Card, choose a dealer, shuffle the deck, and deal four cards to each player.

Players now look at their four cards and place them face down to create a Tableau as follows:

  • One Flip card
  • Two Combat cards
  • One Hole card, which is usually carried over to the following turn.
The Flip Round

After all tableaus are set, players simultaneously turn over their Flip cards and place them face-up in the center of the table.

Perform the following two steps in this order:

Step # 1: Apply the Special Powers of the Cards of Devastation, if any.

Step # 2: Determine the winner of the Flip cards by using Card-Action play.

  • If no Cards of Devastation have been played, go to Card-Action play to determine the winner of all the Flip cards.
  • If a single Card of Devastation has been played, it must be resolved by applying its Special Power.
  • If multiple Cards of Devastation have been played, they must be resolved by applying their Special Powers. Apply them in the Order of Resolution shown on the back of the Barn cards.
  • If the Black Hole card is played as a Flip Card, it automatically wins all the Flip cards and Combat cards thus ending that Flip and Combat round. Play continues.
  • If a player wins all 72 cards in a Flip round with the MOTOR CITY SHOWDOWN or JACK LABRADOR cards, the current hand is over and a new hand is dealt.


Once the Special Powers have been applied, compare the symbols shown on the Flip cards (including Cards of Devastation).

Apply the “One Time” JACK LABRADOR rules to determine the winner.

In Card-Action play, there will either be a single winner or a tie among players.

If there is a single winner, that player wins all the Flip cards.

If there is a tie among winning symbols shown on the Flip cards, determine the winner of all the Flip cards in one of the following two ways.

If there are one or more Rainy Scarecrow cards played, the highest numbered Scarecrow breaks the tie and wins.

If there are no Rainy Scarecrow cards played, the winning players, whose card symbols are tied, use “One Time” Live-Action JACK LABRADOR to determine the winner.

The Combat Round

After the Flip round has been played, all players simultaneously push both of their Combat cards into the card pot face down.

All players then play “One Time” Live-Action JACK LABRADOR to determine the winner of all the Combat cards.

Continuing Play

After playing the Combat round, players should now have only their Hole card remaining.

Three additional cards are dealt to each player. Each player then builds a new tableau. Players may use the same or different card as their new Hole card.

Continue with further Flip and Combat rounds until the final deal.

The Final Deal

There is no Final deal if a player has already ended the hand by winning all 72 cards and 72 points with either the JACK LABRADOR or MOTOR CITY SHOWDOWN card during a Flip round.

In the Final deal of a hand each player is dealt an equal number of cards.

Any remaining cards are put into the card pot face down to be won in the first Flip round of the Final Tableau.

All players will now be in possession of one to four cards. Tableaus will be arranged as follows:

The Hammer Card

In the Final Tableau, the Hole Card is called the HAMMER.

It is played as a Flip card.

The final play of every hand is always a Flip round using the HAMMER cards.

  • The HAMMER can not be taken by a Black Hole that gets played as the first Flip card in the Final Tableau.
  • The HAMMER can be taken by a Hungry Bison that gets played as the first Flip card in the Final Tableau.
  • The HAMMER can be swapped by The Woodpecker that gets played as the first Flip card in the Final Tableau.
Keeping Score During the Game

After all cards in the deck have been won, the hand ends.

  • Each player counts all of the cards in their Barn and reports them to the scorekeeper, to keep a running score of the game.
  • Each card is worth 1 point; thus, a full hand will have a total of 72 points.

Make sure the total number of points reported by all players adds up to 72 points each hand.

If no player has a cumulative score of 100 points or more, the deal passes to the left and another hand is played.

The game continues with further hands until one player’s cumulative score reaches 100 points or more.

Winning The Game

At the end of a hand, if one or more players has scored 100 points or more, the game is over and the highest score wins.

If there is a tie among players at or over 100 points, the tied players play “One Time” Live-Action JACK LABRADOR to determine the winner.

Cards of Devastation

These cards have Special Powers.

They also have symbols on them so they can compete in Card-Action play.

Their Special Powers must be applied in a Flip round before Card-Action play can take place.

If multiple Cards of Devastation are played at the same time in a Flip round, apply their Special Powers in the Order of Resolution, as seen on the back of your Barn card.

The Rainy Scarecrow tie-breaking Special Powers are only applied if there is a tie among winning symbols shown on the cards during Card-Action play.

Nothing escapes the gravitational pull of a Black Hole—the same theory applies to the Black Hole card.

If you play the Black Hole card in a Flip round, you automatically win all the Flip cards and Combat cards from the other players.

You do not win their Hole or HAMMER cards.

A MOTOR CITY SHOWDOWN only happens when the following two cards are played at the same time in a Flip round.

When this happens, all eligible players simultaneously play “One Time” Live-Action JACK LABRADOR. The winner collects all 72 cards and 72 points.

The hand is now over and a new hand is dealt (if no player has reached a winning score).

Any player sitting out a hand due to a Hungry Bison loss is NOT eligible to compete in a MOTOR CITY SHOWDOWN.

If the MOTOR CITY SHOWDOWN card is played WITHOUT a JACK LABRADOR card in the same Flip round, nothing happens. The hand continues.

If you play the JACK LABRADOR card in a Flip round, there are two possible outcomes:

  1. If played in the same Flip round with a MOTOR CITY SHOWDOWN card, see rules for MOTOR CITY SHOWDOWN above.
  2. If played in a Flip round with NO MOTOR CITY SHOWDOWN card, you have an opportunity to win all 72 cards and 72 points.

You do this by challenging and beating each of your opponents at “One Time” Live-Action JACK LABRADOR.

This includes any player sitting out a hand due to a Hungry Bison loss.

You can play them in any order, but you must beat each opponent individually. There are two possible outcomes.

1. If you beat each of your opponents, you win all 72 cards and 72 points. The hand is now over and a new hand is dealt (if no player has reached a winning score).

2. If you lose to any of your opponents, the JACK LABRADOR opportunity is lost, and NO player wins all 72 cards and 72 points. The hand continues.

If you play the Hungry Bison card in a Flip round, you have a chance to knock out an opponent of your choice and win all of their cards.

You do this by challenging that opponent to “Run it to Ten” JACK LABRADOR.


LABRADOR beats JACK for 3 points in “Run it to Ten”

There are two possible outcomes:

1. If you beat your opponent in “Run it to Ten” JACK LABRADOR, you take their:

a. Flip card

b. Combat cards

c. Hole or HAMMER card

d. Cards in their Barn (if any)

Your losing opponent must also sit out the remainder of the hand and cannot win any points. They return to play when the entire deck has been won and a new hand starts.

2. If you don’t beat your opponent in “Run it to Ten” JACK LABRADOR, the Hungry Bison opportunity is lost and there are no consequences for either player.

When a Hungry Bison loser is sitting out the remainder of a hand:

  • They MUST participate in defending against a JACK LABRADOR card.
  • They cannot participate in a MOTOR CITY SHOWDOWN.
  • In a two player game, a Hungry Bison winner collects their opponent’s cards and the hand is over.
  • Undealt cards remaining in the deck are not scored. The deck is shuffled and a new hand begins if no player has reached a winning score.

If you play a Ravenous Like Javenous card in a Flip round, you have a chance to steal cards from an opponent’s Barn.

When you play this card, you challenge one opponent of your choice to “One Time” Live-Action JACK LABRADOR.

1. If you win, you steal 7, 8, or 9 cards from their Barn, as indicated by the number on your Ravenous Like Javenous card. If a player has less cards than indicated, you steal whatever cards they do have in their Barn.

2. If you lose, no cards are exchanged.

If more than one Ravenous Like Javenous card is played in the same Flip round, only the player with the highest numbered Ravenous Like Javenous card may challenge an opponent.

If you play The Woodpecker card in a Flip round, choose one of these two options:

  1. Swap your Hole or HAMMER card with the Hole or HAMMER card of any opponent.
  2. Don’t swap your Hole or HAMMER card.

NOTE: You cannot swap with a HAMMER card that has already been flipped over.

The Rainy Scarecrow card in a Flip round has two functions.

  1. Card-Action: Its symbol is used to compete in Card-Action play.
  2. Tie Breaker: If there is a tie among winning symbols shown on the cards during Card-Action play, it breaks the tie and wins all the Flip round cards.

Example A and B below show the Rainy Scarecrow competing in Card-Action play.

In both examples, there is no tie to break among winning symbols shown on the cards.

The Rainy Scarecrow Special Power of breaking a tie is therefore not applicable.

If there is a tie between at least two winning symbols shown on the cards:

  • If one Rainy Scarecrow card is played, it wins all the Flip cards.
  • If multiple Rainy Scarecrow cards are played, the highest numbered Scarecrow wins all the Flip cards.

Examples C and D above show that a Rainy Scarecrow card can break a tie and win the Flip cards even if its card symbol was not involved in the tie among winning symbols.


JACK LABRADOR is a variation of Rock, Paper, Scissors, that adds two new symbols and a 3-point play:

1. Symbols are thrown on the third downward motion of the arm:

2. As you already know…

Rock beats Scissors

Scissors beats Paper

Paper beats Rock

3. Here’s what’s new…

JACK beats Rock

JACK beats Paper

JACK beats Scissors

LABRADOR loses to Rock

LABRADOR loses to Paper

LABRADOR loses to Scissors

4. And finally…



for (3 points) when playing up to

10 points (“Run it to Ten”)

5. If a player miss throws a symbol that is:

-unrecognizable, or
-changes after thrown,

that player automatically loses that throw,

It is highly recommended they get training at LabraDojo.com

How To Play 3 & 4 Player JACK LABRADOR

Resolving Three Player and Four Player JACK LABRADOR is a process of eliminating players until there is a single winner.

There are three potential outcomes when playing JACK LABRADOR with three or four players.


One player throws a symbol that beats all other thrown symbols.

There are three scenarios that can generate an All Way Tie.

1. When all players throw the same symbol.

2. When a JACK, a LABRADOR, and at least one of a Rock or Paper or Scissors is thrown.

Recognize this very common outcome to speed the game up.

3. When at least one Rock and one Paper and one Scissors are thrown at the same time without any JACKS or LABRADORS.

Every symbol wins and loses

A Split Decision happens when at least one player loses to two or more players who are tied.

Losing players are eliminated and the winners play on.

Symbol Cards

There are a total of 55 symol cards. They are used in Card-Action play to determine the winner of the Flip Round.

11 each of:


If you don’t know what JACK LABRADOR is at this point, how’d you get here? Don’t worry—full rules are in the appendix, but here’s the quick break-down: JACK LABRADOR is a variation of Rock, Paper, Scissors, that adds two new symbols and a three-point play.

Cards of Devastation

There are 17 total Cards of Devastation and they all have special powers.

  • Black Hole
  • Hungry Bison
  • Ravenous like Javenous
  • Woodpecker
  • Rainy Scarecrows


Each player takes a Barn card; cards won during a turn will be placed under this card.

Choose a dealer, who will shuffle the deck and deal four cards to each player.

Players now look at their four cards and create a Tableau as follows:
– One Flip card
– Two Combat cards
– One Hole card, which is (usually) carried over to the following turn

Barn Cards

There are 4 Barn Cards. One for each player.

Keep cards you have won stacked underneath your Barn Card to keep them seperate from the other cards.

The back side of the Barn Card has the Order of Resolution on it.

playing The Flip Round

After all tableaus are set, players simultaneously turn over their Flip Cards and place them face-up on the table.
It better look exactly like this!

Now the action begins.

1.First, apply the rules of the Cards of Devastation in the Order of Resolution.

2.Then, determine the winner of the Flip Cards, based on the symbols on the cards.

The full description and rules for the Cards of Devastation are further below in the appendix.

Order of Resolution

If there are multiple Cards of Devastation played in the Flip Round, this is the order in which you apply the rules of the Cards of Devastation.

Note: The Cards of Devastation (with the exception of the Black Hole) all display one of the five JACK LABRADOR symbols for determining the Flip Round cards winner.

If the Black Hole card is played as a Flip Card, it automatically wins both the Flip Cards and Combat Cards thus ending that Flip and Combat round.

The Final Play of the Hand

The final play of every hand is always played with a single Flip card just as you would in a Flip round. That final Flip card is called the HAMMER.

playing the flip round

After the Cards of Devastation have been applied, compare the symbols on the cards played in the Flip round. Determine a winner under the “One Time” JACK LABRADOR rules. There are three possible outcomes for any Flip Round.

1. SINGLE WINNER If there is a single winner, that player takes all the Flip Cards and places them under their Barn card.

2. TIE WITH NO RAINY SCARECROW If there is a TIE between at least two winning symbols shown on the Flip Cards and NO Rainy Scarecrows cards are played, the tied players play Live-Action “One Time” JACK LABRADOR until there is a single winner.

3. TIE WITH RAINY SCARECROW If there is a TIE between at least two winning symbols shown on the Flip Cards, and ONE OR MORE Rainy Scarecrow cards are played, the highest numbered Rainy Scarecrow card wins the Flip Cards—even if the player who plays the Rainy Scarecrow card was not involved in the tie!


The HAMMER is always the final card played in every hand. It is played as a Flip card. The HAMMER is protected and cannot be taken by a Black Hole that gets played as the first Flip card in the Final Tableau.

playing The Combat Round

After the Flip Cards are played, all players simultaneously push both of their Combat Cards into the card pot face down.

All players then play Live-Action “One Time” JACK LABRADOR until there is a single winner, who then takes the Combat Cards and puts them in their Barn.

Players should now only have their Hole card remaining. The dealer now deals out three new cards to each player. These, along with their Hole cards, are the player’s new hands. Players continue by building a new tableau, as before. Players may use the same or a different card as their new hole card.

Play continues with Flip and Combat Rounds until the final deal.

However, the HAMMER is NOT protected from The Woodpecker and Hungry Bison when either of those two cards are played as the first Flip card in the Final Tableau.

playing The Flip Round

After all tableaus are set, players simultaneously turn over their Flip Cards and place them face-up on the table.
It better look exactly like this!

Now the action begins.

1.First, apply the rules of the Cards of Devastation in the Order of Resolution.

2.Then, determine the winner of the Flip Cards, based on the symbols on the cards.

The full description and rules for the Cards of Devastation are further below in the appendix.

Keeping Score During the Game

After all cards in the deck have been won, the hand ends. Each player counts all of the cards in their Barn and reports them to the scorekeeper, to keep a running score of the game. Each card is worth 1 point; thus, a full hand will have a total of 72 points. Make sure the total number of points reported by all players adds up to 72 points each hand. If no player has a cumulative score of 100 points or more, deal passes to the left and another hand is played. The game continues with further deals until one player’s cumulative score reaches 100 points or more. At the end of a hand, if one or more players has scored 100 points or more, the game is over and the highest score wins. If there is a tie among players at or over 100 points, the tied players play “One Time” JACK LABRADOR to determine the winner.


JACK LABRADOR is a variation of Rock, Paper, Scissors, that adds two new symbols and a 3-point play:

Here’s how you play JACK LABRADOR:

1. Hand symbols are thrown on the third downward motion of the arm: 1, 2, SHOOT

2. Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, Paper beats Rock, as normal

3. Jack beats Rock, Paper, or Scissors

4. Labrador loses to Rock, Paper, or Scissors

5. Labrador beats Jack (and is worth 3 points when playing “Run it to Ten”)

6. If a player mis-throws a symbol (i.e., the symbol is incomplete or unrecognizable), that player automatically loses that throw.


In “One Time” JACK LABRADOR, two to four players will play JACK LABRADOR until there is a single winner.

“Run it to Ten” JACK LABRADOR Play

In “Run it to Ten” JACK LABRADOR, two opponents play JACK LABRADOR up to ten points. In “Run it to Ten,” the Labrador beats the Jack for 3 points, and is an integral part of the game.

Live-Action vs. Card-Action Play

In Live-Action play, JACK LABRADOR is played via human hand generated symbols by players to determine a winner.

In Card-Action play, JACK LABRADOR is played via card symbols to determine a winner.

Multiplayer JACK LABRADOR clarification:

There are three potential outcomes when playing JACK LABRADOR with three or four players. They are:

Single Winner
One player throws a symbol that beats all other thrown symbols.

All Way Tie
All players throw the same symbol OR
all thrown symbols both win and lose to other thrown symbols.

Split Decision
Two or more players tie and beat all other thrown symbols.

Single Winner

There is a Single Winner when one player throws a symbol that no other player has thrown, and that symbol beats all other symbols thrown by the other players.

Three Player Single Winner Examples

All Way Tie

There are three scenarios that can generate an All Way Tie.

1. When all players throw the same symbol.

2. When a JACK, a LABRADOR, and at least one of a Rock or Paper or Scissors is thrown. This is because each symbol both beats and loses to at least one other symbol. Recognize this very common outcome to speed the game up.

3. When at least one Rock and one Paper and one Scissors are thrown at the same time without any JACKS or LABRADORS. Again, this is because each symbol both beats and loses to at least one other symbol.

Split Decision

A Split Decision happens when at least one player loses to two or more players who are tied. Losing players are eliminated and winners play on. the tied players play on.

Pink Slip

Object of Pink Slip

To summon courage and win your opponent’s Pink Slip for life!

Rules Video

Bob Javenous teaches Pink Slip
Pink Slip from his barn
How to Play Becca Scottt

Beautifully Written Rules

Object of Pink Slip

To summon courage and win your opponent’s Pink Slip for life!

The Set Up

One deck, one Pink Slip. Your soul’s connection to JACK LABRADOR.

Important Stuff

You must enthusiastically sign and date your Certificate of Title.

If you have the Champions Deck:

  • Register your LabraCoin at JACKLABRADOR.COM
  • Write your JACK LABRADOR ID# from your LabraCoin onto your Pink Slip.
How to Play

Find an opponent and challenge them to JACK LABRADOR.

Play either “One Time” or “Run it to Ten.”

The winner collects and keeps the loser’s Pink Slip for ETERNITY.

Winners have bragging rights for life!

A Word to the Wise

If you have lost your Pink Slip and have a LabraCoin, do not use it as collateral to try and win back your Pink Slip.

You will soon be using your deck of cards to try and win back your LabraCoin.

It will not end well. You are on tilt.

Get help at LabraDojo.com

Don’t be a loser.

Spell My Name

Object of Spell My Name

The object of the game is to beat opponents in bouts of “One Time” JACK LABRADOR to win cards and collect a set of five that spell J-A-C-K LABRADOR.

Rules Video

Bob Javenous teaches Spell My Name
How to Play Becca Scottt

Beautifully Written Rules

Object of Spell My Name

The object of the game is to beat opponents in bouts of “One Time” JACK LABRADOR to win cards and collect a set of five that spell:


The Deck

There are 32 playing cards plus the JACK LABRADOR infographic card.

25 regular playing card
with letters, symbols, and numbers

5 Cards of Purity
Collecting all five creates the
“Hand of Oneness”

Required Knowledge

JACK LABRADOR is a variation of Rock, Paper, Scissors, that adds two new symbols:

jack and labrador symbols
  • JACK beats Rock, Paper, Scissors.
  • LABRADOR loses to Rock, Paper, Scissors

Complete tutorial on playing JACK LABRADOR is in appendix on last page of rules.

Playing The Game
  • Players pick a dealer and the turn to deal alternates if there are two players, and rotates clockwise if there are more than two.
  • The dealer shuffles the cards and places the deck in the middle of the table face down. This is the draw pile.
  • The dealer then turns over the top card and places it face up next to the draw pile to create the discard pile.

It is important to note that there must be at least one card face up in the discard pile at all times.

Turn over the top card of the draw pile during play when needed to create a new discard pile.

  • If the draw pile runs out of cards, the dealer shuffles all the cards in the discard pile, and creates new draw and discard piles.
Starting The Game

The dealer takes the One Time Infographic card, places it in front of them, and is now the first Challenger.

Tracking The Challenger

In this fast paced game, it is critical to use the Infographic Card in order to keep track of who the Challenger is.

Make sure to pass it to the player on the left before each new turn.

Failure to do so will result in a mess.

Winning Cards

Each turn a Challenger will select any opponent of choice and play “One Time” JACK LABRADOR.

The winner of each challenge wins a card from the draw or discard pile.

There are two possible outcomes:

1. If the Challenger beats their opponent

The Challenger takes the top card from either the draw or discard pile and puts it in their hand.

The Challenger continues their turn by again selecting and playing any opponent of choice.

Every time the Challenger wins a challenge, they draw a card and their turn continues.

2. If the Challenger loses to their opponent

The Opponent takes the top card from either the draw or discard pile and puts it in their hand.

The Challenger’s turn is over.

Pass the Infographic card to the player on the left, who now becomes the new Challenger and play continues.

Winning A Hand

A player wins a hand when their cards spell J-A-C-K LABRADOR.

They may use any combination of Regular Cards, Cards of Purity, or the Bolt Card to do so.

The hand is then over and the deal rotates to a new player.

Hand Of Oneness

If a player spells J-A-C-K LABRADOR using only the Cards of Purity, they have created the Hand of Oneness.

This hand automatically wins the game. Congratulations on this rare feat of greatness!

Collecting A Fifth Card

The maximum number of cards a player may hold in their hand is four.

Once a player has four cards in their hand and they draw or steal a fifth card, there are two possible outcomes:

1. They spell J-A-C-K LABRADOR to complete the set and win the hand. They then declare out loud:


2. They don’t spell J-A-C-K LABRADOR to complete the set and win the hand.

They must now discard one of their five cards and play continues.

Players may not discard until they have a fifth card in their hand.

Nifty Bison Card

The Nifty Bison Card has two Special Powers:

    1. Steal card
    2. Extra turn card

A Challenger may choose only one of them during play.

The Nifty Bison card can only be played one time per hand. Once it is played, it is removed from the deck until the next hand is dealt.

With the Nifty Bison card, a Challenger can choose to steal one card from an opponent:


1. At the beginning of their turn

2. During their turn

3. After losing a challenge but before the next player starts their turn as the Challenger

  • To play it, the Challenger says out loud “The Nifty Bison Rides” and throws the card face up onto the center of the table.
  • The Challenger then selects a card from any opponent’s hand and puts it into their own hand.

With the Nifty Bison card, a Challenger can extend their turn AFTER they have lost a challenge.

  • To play it, the Challenger says out loud “The Nifty Bison Rides” and throws the card face up onto the center of the table.
  • The Challenger again selects an opponent of choice and their turn continues until they lose a challenge.
The Bolt Card

The Bolt Card has one Special Power. It is a wild card.

  • It can be used as a J, A, C, K, or LABRADOR to win the hand.
  • If you combine a Bolt Card with four Cards of Purity to spell
    J-A-C-K LABRADOR, you win the hand but it is not a Hand of Oneness.
  • The Bolt card cannot be used as a Nifty Bison.
Infographic Card Reminder

Please use the Infographic Card.

Pass it to player on the left after each turn to keep track of who the Challenger is.

Failure to do so will result in a mess.

Winning The Game

Before the game begins, players must agree on one of the following two ways to win the game.

  • The first player to spell J-A-C-K LABRADOR three times, OR
  • Complete the Hand of Oneness.
  • The first player to score 100 points or more, OR
  • Complete the Hand of Oneness.

A Hand of Oneness is an automatic game winner and no scoring is needed.

When a player wins the hand by successfully spelling J-A-C-K LABRADOR they score:

  • 10 bonus points for winning the hand
  • All the points shown on their cards
  • All the points shown on their opponents’ cards.

The winner of the hand adds that total to their cumulative score.



Two Opponents playing JACK LABRADOR until there is a single winner

1. Symbols are thrown on the third downward motion of the arm:

2. As you already know…

Rock beats Scissors

Scissors beats Paper

Paper beats Rock

3. Hers’s what’s new…

JACK beats Rock

JACK beats Paper

JACK beats Scissors

LABRADOR loses to Rock

LABRADOR loses to Paper

LABRADOR loses to Scissors

4. And Finally…


5. If a player miss throws a symbol that is:

-Unrecognizable, or
-Changes after thrown

that player automatically loses that throw.

It is highly recommended they get training at LabraDojo.com


If you have any suggestions for rules, send them to

